Blepharoplasty, the surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the eyelids, gives the eyes a more youthful look by removing excess skin, bulging fat, and/or lax muscle from the upper or lower lids. A Functional Blepharoplasty is performed specifically when the excess drooping skin of the upper eyelids is blocking the upper half of the visual field. Unlike a Cosmetic Blepharoplasty, a Functional Blepharoplasty is considered a medical condition. During your consultation, Dr. Lane will discuss all your options, as well as what you can expect from surgery. Further testing will need to be performed for this procedure to be covered by Medicare and other health insurance plans.
In the upper lids, excess skin, muscle and/or fat are removed through an incision hidden in the natural eyelid crease. If the upper lid is droopy, the muscle that raises the lid can be tightened. The incision is then closed with fine sutures.

Can I Get My Lower Eyelids Done?
Unfortunately, the lower eyelids will never block your vision. Therefore, Medicare and other health insurance plans would not cover this type of procedure. There are other cases where the lower eyelid will sag outward, which would be considered medically necessary. At the time of your consultation, Dr. Lane will do a full evaluation. She will provide you with a surgical plan, at which time you may chose to pay for the lower lids as out-of-pocket expense.